Learn ... to share ...by romanian author Adrian Dumitru

He liked her a lot.

In fact ... he loved her.

He became addicted ... to her.

All .... became obvious.

... to everyone.

But .... he hated that he was under the dominance of this addiction.

I could clearly see ... his obsession and passion for her.

All was ... so ...

Unfortunately ... everyone knows that addictions are not good.

And ... he knew it too.

So ... one day came to us ... and asks ... "How the hell i do .... to disconnect from her?!

It's all ... ridiculous.

I've became ... a slave."

Paul ... looks at him ... and replies ... "Learn to share".

"Learn to what?!"

"To share."

"To share?!"

"Yes ... share her with other men."

I look at them ... and i could not understand .... the illogic of the discussion.


As usual .... Paul had a weird ... theory.

Most certainly ... our friend ... became more frustrated ... hearing such a concept.

But ... maybe Paul was right.

Our friend ... had to learn how to disconnect from his posesiveness.

For ... him ... somehow it was too late.

Cause ... all those feelings of obsession and possessiveness ... made him sick.

Yes ... made him lose his minds.

And ... just a shock therapy could probably .... help him.

Anything else ... would be useless.

Most certainly ... he hated what Paul told him ... but many times in life ... normal dogmatic things tried ... as therapy ... don't work anymore.

So ... maybe we should open our perspectives ..... to weirdness also.

And ... try ... shock therapies.

... at least as an experiment ... while seeing that nothing else works.



Download the book ”DISCONNECTING

... seen as un amazing trick for a beautiful life

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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Apple Books - https://books.apple.com/ro/book/disconnecting/id6657977255


or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com


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